Point-referenced spatial data
Spatial Statistics - BIOSTAT 696/896
Michele Peruzzi
University of Michigan
Recap: point-referenced spatial data
- We observe Y(s) at location s
- What is s in this case?
- What are some examples of point-referenced data?
Point-referenced spatial data
- Observe Y(s) at s \in \cal L = \{s_1, \dots, s_n\}
- The set \cal L is assumed fixed and known, ie the locations are not random
- Learn/estimate how Y(\cdot) changes in space. Model the spatial dependence
- Generalize linear regression: drop i.i.d. assumption in favor of spatial dependence
- Predict Y(\cdot) at locations that were not observed
- How does air pollution spread geographically?
- Considering the impact of air pollution on health, how should we model the spread of respiratory disease?
- Using a fixed set of observations of air pollution, how can we estimate the level of air pollution everywhere else?
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- Simulating a fixed set of spatial locations
- This is just for simulation. Remember with point-referenced data the coordinates are given and non-random
- Remember to set the seed for reproducible analyses!!
set.seed(2024) # set a seed
n_obs <- 200
x_coord <- runif(n_obs, 0, 1)
y_coord <- runif(n_obs, 0, 1)
coords <- data.frame(x_coord, y_coord)
ggplot(coords, aes(x_coord, y_coord)) +
geom_point(size=.7) +
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- We just have locations now, there is no data. Let’s generate some data for those locations
- No need to set the seed here. The script will run from the beginning and do all RNGs in sequence
- You can set the seed here if you expect to run chunks of code in different sequences
y <- rnorm(n_obs, 0, 1)
- How many random variables are we generating?
- What do you expect to see when we plot
on the coordinates we had before? Why?
Exploratory analysis and simulation
df <- coords %>% mutate(y=y)
ggplot(df, aes(x_coord, y_coord, color=y)) +
geom_point() +
theme_minimal() +
Exploratory analysis and simulation
Make it easier to see there is no spatial dependence by
n_obs <- 20000
x_coord <- runif(n_obs, 0, 1)
y_coord <- runif(n_obs, 0, 1)
coords <- data.frame(x_coord, y_coord)
y <- rnorm(n_obs, 0, 1)
df <- coords %>% mutate(y=y)
ggplot(df, aes(x_coord, y_coord, color=y)) +
geom_point(size=.5) +
theme_minimal() +
Exploratory analysis and simulation
Make it easier to see there is no spatial dependence by
- plotting on a regular grid of spatial locations
- regular grid = each data point can be plotted as a pixel on a raster image
coords <- expand.grid(xlocs <- seq(0,1,length.out=100), xlocs)
n_obs <- nrow(coords)
y <- rnorm(n_obs, 0, 1)
df <- coords %>% mutate(y=y)
ggplot(df, aes(Var1, Var2, fill=y)) +
geom_raster() +
theme_minimal() +
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- We have seen simulated spatial data without spatial dependence
- What would we expect to see if there was spatial dependence?
- Can you think of ways we could simulate data with spatial dependence?
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 1
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 2
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 3
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 4
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 5
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 6
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 7
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 8
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 9
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What does spatial dependence “look like”? Example 10
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- What common feature can we recognize?
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
We only observe 1 sample
What if we could “re-run” the data-generation? Different data, same process
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- How “similar” are the random variables Y(s_1) and Y(s_2)?
- In other words, how large do we expect this is: | p(Y(s_2) | Y(s_1)) - p(Y(s_2)) |?
- Easier? How large do we expect this is: Cov( Y(s_1), Y(s_2) )?
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- How “similar” are the random variables Y(s_3) and Y(s_4)?
- In other words, how large do we expect this is: | p(Y(s_4) | Y(s_3)) - p(Y(s_4)) |?
- Easier? How large do we expect this is: Cov( Y(s_3), Y(s_4) )?
Exploratory analysis and simulation
- Distance between random variables (largely) drives how related they are
- If the variables are close to each other in space, then Cov(Y(s), Y(s')) should be larger
- The question of what model to use for Cov(Y(s), Y(s')) is crucial
- If we let Cov(Y(s), Y(s')) = g(s, s'), how do we choose g(\cdot)?
- For example, we could model g(\cdot) as a positive decreasing function of \| s-s' \|
- We can think of many other alternative models. More on this later…
Exploratory analysis: empirical semivariogram
- How do we measure spatial association in data before we attempt any sort of modeling?
- Call Y(s_i) and Y(s_j) the r.v.’s at s_i and s_j
- Suppose the domain is D = [0,1]^2
- Partition the line (0, m) \subset \Re into K disjoint intervals
- I_1 = (0=m_0, m_1], I_2 =(m_2, m_3], \dots, I_K = (m_{K-1}, m_K=m].
- Define t_k = \frac{m_k - m_{k-1}}{2} (the midpoint of the kth interval)
- Define N(t_k) = \{ (s_i, s_j) : \| s_i - s_j \| \in I_k \}
- N(t_k) is a set of all pairs of locations whose pairwise distance is “approximately” t_k
Exploratory analysis: empirical semivariogram
- Define N(t_k) = \{ (s_i, s_j) : \| s_i - s_j \| \in I_k \}
- Define the empirical semivariogram as:
\gamma(t_k) = \frac{1}{2 |N(t_k)|} \sum_{(s_i, s_k) \in I_k} (Y(s_i) - Y(s_j))^2
- What should \gamma(t) look like for increasing t if there is spatial dependence?
- If spatial dependence, Y(s_i) and Y(s_j) should be close to each other if s_i and s_j are not far apart
Exploratory analysis: empirical semivariogram
- Define N(t_k) = \{ (s_i, s_j) : \| s_i - s_j \| \in I_k \}
- Define the empirical semivariogram as:
\gamma(t_k) = \frac{1}{2 |N(t_k)|} \sum_{(s_i, s_k) \in I_k} (Y(s_i) - Y(s_j))^2
- What should \gamma(t) look like for increasing t if there is spatial dependence?
- If spatial dependence, Y(s_i) and Y(s_j) should be close to each other if s_i and s_j are not far apart
- We then expect \gamma(t) to be increasing with t: as the locations are farther from each other, the observations become increasingly different
Exploratory analysis: empirical semivariogram
(you may need to install XQuartz in your system)
- Plot the empirical semivariogram via
- Let’s use Example 8 from earlier
sv <- simdf %>% with(geoR::variog(data = y, coords = cbind(Var1, Var2), messages=FALSE))
sv_df <- data.frame(dists = sv$u, variogram = sv$v, npairs = sv$n, sd = sv$sd)
sv_plot <- ggplot(sv_df, aes(x=dists, y=variogram)) + geom_point(size=2, shape=8) +
grid.arrange(data_plot, sv_plot, nrow=1)
Exploratory analysis: empirical semivariogram
- Let’s use Example 10 from earlier
Exploratory analysis: example
- We want to investigate a variable representing the time it takes for vegetation to reach peak greenness
- Changes in the greenup time may be explained by climate change
df <- read.csv("data/michigan_greenness.csv")
(data_plot <- ggplot(df, aes(Longitude, Latitude, fill=Greenness)) +
geom_raster() +
scale_fill_scico(palette="batlowK") +
Exploratory analysis: example
sv <- df %>% with(geoR::variog(data = Greenness, coords = cbind(Longitude, Latitude), messages=FALSE))
sv_df <- data.frame(dists = sv$u, variogram = sv$v, npairs = sv$n, sd = sv$sd)
sv_plot <- ggplot(sv_df, aes(x=dists, y=variogram)) + geom_point(size=2, shape=8) +
grid.arrange(data_plot, sv_plot, nrow=1)